Is a degree in computer science worth the hype?

is a degree in computer science worth it

The Lure of High-Paying CS Jobs

“Google offers Rs 1 crore package to a B.Tech graduate!” The lure of high-paying CS jobs attracts most people looking for unique courses nowadays. People in town talk about how someone next door hacked a company to earn XYZ dollars. Such is the fan following of a CS graduate and its pay that nearly everyone is lured into taking some course in a CS-related field. You may have seen a dozen YouTube advertisements promising a 178% salary increase with their 30-day courses on the “biggest and most promising market trends,” but do you need that course? Is it actually for you? Is a degree in computer science worth it?

Traditional Education vs. Short-Term Courses

You will not get a thousand-dollar job by picking a computer science niche. The field involves so much depth that to understand and comprehend the fundamentals thoroughly; you need to opt for a conventional degree (conditions apply: you ought to have the interest). A B.Tech degree in computer science, as does the BCA, differs from a B.Sc degree. There is a reason why these compel you to devote three to four years of your life to a particular domain. A traditional college will allow you to grasp the field more profoundly and open up many possibilities.

The Truth About CS as the Ultimate Major

The myth to be finally busted is that CS is the ultimate major of the 21st century, without changing the fact that we need highly qualified computer scientists. Not everyone must be a software developer to contribute to this critical vacancy. You need logic, math, aptitude, problem-solving skills, and an unceasing learning attitude to excel in computer science. If none of this interests you, you should avoid computer science to have a secure career. With an inclination toward art, you could become a multimedia artist, animator, art director, or graphic designer. Being good with money can help you work as an economist, financial risk analyst, data analyst, financial planner, or accountant. A medical practitioner is your best bet if you are eager to respond to healthcare emergencies.

Career Options Beyond Software Development

CS niches and in-demand market trends such as bioinformatics, AI, and competitive programming require a highly skilled workforce. People who want to work in this field are typically interested in computers, mathematics, data analysis, programming languages, and other related topics. Passion, rather than trends in the market, should be approached.

The Reality of Skill Levels in the CS Industry

Simply enrolling in computer science courses or listing it as a major to have a good but mediocre career does no good. Consider India, which annually generates approximately 3 lakh graduates in computer science, but only a tiny percentage have the necessary skills. Why would Google and Facebook hire hordes of costly software engineers if the courses were all there was to software engineering? IT firms employ tens of thousands of computer scientists in low-skilled positions. Many people have low and medium skill levels but must improve at the top of their skill set. Many people who identify as credentialed computer professionals are unqualified individuals.

Blindly Following the Hype Benefits No One

Unfortunately, blindly following the hype does not benefit anyone. If you genuinely desire to explore the area of computers and the science it entails, then you should take up the subject. However, if your interests dictate otherwise, you should spend your time and energy on something that brings you joy. A job that would require you to work eight to ten hours a day until you retire.

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